Chicken Anatomy

Understanding a little anatomy will help you care for your chickens!


A chicken uses it's beak to peck objects, eat food, and drink


A chicken's comb comes in all shapes and sizes and is used to attract mates. It can also keep a chicken cool by circulating blood. If the comb is pale or flopping over it can be a sign that your chicken is sick. 


Waddles typically hang from the chicken's chin. Waddles (and combs) are used a chicken's heat regulation system. They have thick vanes for overheated blood to pass through and be air cooled.


A chicken's ear sits just behind the eye. Their hearing is accurate enough to pinpoint within a few feet where a sound came from.


A chicken's crop is where food is stored after swallowed. This allows a chicken to eat a lot of food quickly. When a chicken is full, you can often see the crop sticking out just above the breast.


Food slowly moves out of the crop and into the proventriculus where it soaks with digestive enzymes to become soft.


The gizzard is the muscular part of the digestive tract. Food is ground into small pieces using grit or small stones. If your chickens free range they will pick up small stones on their own but, you can always provide grit for your flock.